
AI Global Group Review | Trustworthy or Just Another Scam?

by Kevin Berry
  1/5   Reviews: 3
AI Global Group - logo

In this article, we will make a review AI Global Group and find out what they offer and whether they are trustworthy or just another scam. With so many fraudulent brokers out there, it’s important to do your research before trusting anyone with your money.


🏛️ Country
⚠️ Regulation
🖥️ Website ai-globalgroup.com, ai-globalgroupsvip.com
🎲 Demo Account No
⏳ Start Time 2023
💲 Minimum Deposit
⚖️ Minimum and Maximum Leverage
⚙️ Trading Platform WebTrader
📨 E-mail
📞 Phone

First Impression

AI Global Group claims to be a reliable broker that offers its clients advanced trading solutions and high-quality services. However, after exploring their official website, it becomes clear that these claims are just empty words. The design of the website is poor and unprofessional, and it’s hard to navigate. The information provided is scarce, and it’s difficult to find what you’re looking for. The website is full of generic statements and self-promotion, but there’s little substance to support these words. The lack of transparency and the limited information available raises red flags about the legitimacy of the company. It’s hard to trust a broker that fails to provide basic information about its services, regulations, or even contact details. Overall, this website is a poor representation.

AI Global Group - website

Account Opening on Ai-globalgroupsvip.com

Upon trying to register on this website, it became clear that the registration process raises even more questions. All registration links lead the client to the contact page instead of the registration form. This is a glaring mistake that indicates a lack of attention to detail and professionalism. A broker that cannot even properly set up its website and registration process does not inspire confidence in its ability to manage investments and financial matters.


Despite the inability to register on the broker’s website, AI Global Group requires clients to undergo verification. Isn’t it nonsense? The procedure is standard, but the problem is that there is nowhere to upload the required documents. Without registration, the Client Portal is inaccessible.

  • None.
  • It is impossible to pass verification.

Trading Software

The trading platform of this broker is a complete disaster. First, it’s based on an unknown software that nobody has ever heard of. Second, the page where the platform should be described is completely empty and suggests contacting support. It’s obvious that AI Global Group doesn’t take their services seriously, which is completely unacceptable. A trading platform is the most important tool for any trader, and the fact that this broker doesn’t care about providing a reliable and user-friendly terminal shows that it is not interested in helping its clients succeed. This is a clear sign that the project cannot be trusted and should be avoided.

Features AI Global Group FXPro  FTM Trade
Demo Account ✔️
Mobile App ✔️
Own Development ✔️ ✔️

How Can I Trade With Them?

So far, this broker is a complete disappointment. Now we will take a closer look at its trading conditions.

All Info About Accounts

When it comes to choosing a broker, the trading conditions are key to making informed decisions. Unfortunately, with this particular broker, the trading conditions are a complete mystery. There is absolutely no information available on the website regarding spreads, leverage, trading instruments, or any other important trading parameters. This lack of transparency makes it impossible for potential clients to evaluate the trading conditions and make the right decision. It’s important to note that reliable and reputable brokers always provide this information upfront, which is why it’s so concerning that Ai Global Group has chosen to keep its trading conditions a secret. Without this information, it’s impossible to know what to expect when trading with this platform.

  • None
  • Trading conditions are not described.

Market Analysis and Education

The educational resources offered by AI Global Group are an absolute joke. All training materials are limited to the FAQ section that answers such groundbreaking questions as “what is Bitcoin?” or “what is Ethereum?” It’s hard to believe, but this is the extent of the broker’s educational offerings. It’s clear that the company is incapable of providing any valuable market insights or quality training for traders. It’s no wonder that so many traders are leaving this broker for more reputable firms that offer real educational value.

Deposit, Withdrawal, and Fees

The lack of clear information on how to deposit and withdraw funds with AI Global Group is another issue. It’s becoming almost comical how little this broker seems to have thought through its services. How can clients trust a company that can’t even provide basic information about how to handle their money? It’s crucial for any broker to be transparent about its financial processes to build trust with its clients. However, it seems to have missed the memo.

Features AI Global Group Gainful Markets Axi
Debit/Credit Cards ✔️
Electronic Payments ✔️
Crypto Transfers
Deposit Fee ✔️
Withdrawal Fee ✔️

How Can I Contact It?

If you were expecting something different in the contact section, you are out of luck. It’s all standard stuff here. No address, phone number, or email. Just a sad little feedback form and a working schedule. It’s just terrible.

  • None.
  • No contacts.

Is AI Global Group Dangerous?

Of course it is dangerous! Are you still in doubt? Here are a few more arguments proving the fraudulent nature of the broker.

How Long Does The Broker Work?

It is stated in the “About Us” section that the broker has been operating since 2020. However, this is simply not true. A domain check shows that the website was only created on February 21, 2023. Considering the short lifespan of AI Global Group, it’s clear why its official website is in such a poor state. It’s risky to work with very young brokers, who may not have a proven track record or the necessary resources to provide reliable services.

Domain info


In April 2024, the previous domain, as you can imagine, is no longer active. The owners prepared in advance and moved to the new domain https://ai-globalgroupsvip.com/.

How Is AI Global Group Regulated?

Having a license is crucial for a broker because it provides legal protection for both the broker and the trader. However, the company we are discussing today seems to be an anonymous website. There is no information about the firm that operates it. Even in the terms and conditions, there is no mention of its name, registration number, or license information. Essentially, the organization does not exist, and it has no right to provide brokerage services. Without a license, there is no regulatory oversight, and there is a higher risk of fraud and abuse, leaving traders unprotected. It is always important to do thorough research before choosing a broker. And licensing is one of the most critical factors to consider.

Features AI Global Group Sollari TheFinancialCentre
European Zone
Asian Zone
American Zone
African Zone

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to Trade With AI Global Group?

You just need to register on their website. However, it is currently unclear how to do so, as the registration form does not seem to be functioning properly. We recommend finding a more reputable and reliable broker with a user-friendly platform and a transparent registration process.

Is AI Global Group Legit?

No, it is not a legitimate broker. The website lacks important information such as licensing and company details, and there is no evidence that it is regulated by any reputable authority.

How Risky Is It?

Investing with AI Global Group carries a high level of risk. Due to the lack of transparency and regulation, it is possible that the platform is a scam and your funds could be at risk.
Kevin Berry
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Expert Opinion

Let me tell you that AI Global Group is about as legitimate as a three-dollar bill. I mean, come on, their website looks like it was designed by a toddler with a crayon. And don’t even get me started on the fact that they don’t have a proper license to offer their so-called “brokerage” services. Now, I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I know that trading with a shady, anonymous company like this is about as smart as trying to juggle chainsaws. Save yourself the headache and find a reputable broker with a proven track record.
But hey, if you’re feeling lucky, go ahead and give them a shot. Just don’t come crying to me when your account balance is suddenly zero and you’re left wondering what the heck just happened.

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AI Global Group rating

The level of trust
Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support
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The level of trust
Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support

3 reviews about AI Global Group

Rhone March 3, 2023 - 19:46
A trick, a phantom, a jest
The level of trust
Efficiency of technical support

Honestly, AI Global is a complete joke. They don’t even have a license, and there’s no information about their company anywhere on the site. It’s like they’re trying to hide something. The trading conditions are missing. Plus, customer support is non-existent. I wouldn’t touch this broker with a 10-foot pole. In short, if you’re looking for a reliable company, this is not the one. Save yourself the trouble and find a legitimate broker with a good reputation.

Kurt March 9, 2023 - 21:02
The level of trust
Efficiency of technical support

I tried to register on the site once, but the form didn’t work. I even tried contacting their support team, but I never got a response. I also keep getting spam emails from them, even though I’ve never even signed up for their service.

Lucille March 13, 2023 - 12:30
Fake broker
The level of trust

I have seen so many positive reviews about AI Global Group, but I’m pretty sure they’re all fake. The website looks like it was designed by a 5-year-old, and the trading platform is a complete mess. It’s obvious that they don’t have a clue what they’re doing.


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