
SeguroFX Review | May It Be Involved in a Scam?

by Kevin Berry
  1/5   Reviews: 2
SeguroFX - logo

Welcome to our investigation of a new broker, SeguroFX. Today, we delve into the depths of its activities, and our suspicions lead us to believe that it may be involved in a scam. Join and read our review as we examine the evidence to shed light on this company’s legitimacy.


🏛️ Country Mwali
⚠️ Regulation
🖥️ Website https://www.segurofx.com/
🎲 Demo Account No
⏳ Start Time 2023
💲 Minimum Deposit $250
⚖️ Minimum and Maximum Leverage 1:2 – 1:200
⚙️ Trading Platform WebTrader
📨 E-mail support@segurofx.com
📞 Phone

First Impression of Segurofx.com

SeguroFX’s website is questionable in terms of design and aesthetics. It fails to capture attention with its dull and uninspiring layout. The overall design appears outdated and lacks creativity, giving off an unprofessional impression. The color scheme is monotonous and fails to create any visual appeal.

SeguroFX - website

When it comes to information, the broker falls short. It provides a limited amount of relevant details, leaving visitors craving for more comprehensive and in-depth content. The lack of essential information such as company background, team members, and regulatory compliance raises suspicions about the broker’s transparency and legitimacy. It’s as if they have something to hide by withholding crucial details. However, you can still find some legal data here and find something more interesting in the FAQ section.

Partnership and Bonuses

SeguroFX presents an affiliate program. The information regarding this program is prominently displayed in their FAQ section, as if it were a hidden gem awaiting discovery. According to the FAQ, if you refer someone to the platform and they make a deposit of up to $1,999, you will receive a $200 reward. However, if your referral’s deposit exceeds $2,000, your reward will increase to $300.

Furthermore, the broker implements a bonus system, but these rewards are not simply given away. To qualify for bonuses, specific criteria must be met, such as engaging in a certain number of successful trades and aligning with the investor’s profile.

Account Opening on Segurofx.com

At SeguroFX, the absence of a registration process is quite concerning. Instead of providing a formal registration form, the website only offers a login option. It is unclear whether this was a technical glitch or an intentional decision by the broker.

Perhaps the whole point is that the company has an affiliate program and you can create an account only if you have a promotional code. Or perhaps the broker simply restricts access, independently deciding who will be registered on their platform and who will not.


The verification process at the broker involves several steps to ensure the identity and legitimacy of the clients. Clients are required to submit various documents such as identification proof, address proof, and payment proof.

The broker’s team reviews the submitted documents to verify their authenticity and accuracy. However, SeguroFX may request additional information, for example, to provide proof of financial resources, such as bank statements or income documents.

  • Verification helps protect clients from identity theft, fraudulent activities, and unauthorized account access.
  • The verification process can take time.

Trading Software

The company gives you the option to either download their trading platform or use their WebTrader. It’s hard to understand why they consider their terminal to be competitive and technologically advanced. In reality, it falls far behind industry-leading platforms like MetaTrader.

The platform has a limited selection of indicators and a relatively pleasant interface, but it lacks the robustness and advanced features that traders often rely on. It simply doesn’t measure up to the standards set by more popular and widely used platforms. In fact, the lack of buzz and excitement around SeguroFX’s platform is noticeable. It pales in comparison to its competitors in terms of features, functionality, and technological advancements.

Features SeguroFX Forexeze TradeCMF
Demo Account
Mobile App ✔️
Own Development

How Can I Trade With SeguroFX?

SeguroFX fails to bring anything unique or exciting to the table. This CFD broker falls into the category of being ordinary and uninspiring when it comes to its services.

All Info About Accounts

When it comes to account options, the broker offers a limited selection of just four types. However, these accounts lack significant differentiation, with minor variations in minimum deposit requirements and associated services.

Transparency regarding fees, spreads, and other financial details is noticeably lacking. SeguroFX conveniently avoids providing detailed information, treating such vital aspects as trade secrets. Even crucial details about commissions and swaps are kept hidden. Only in the FAQ section will you find a brief mention of a minimum trading amount of $250 and leverage of up to 1:200.

  • Low minimum deposit.
  • Trading conditions are not described in detail.

Market Analysis and Education With Segurofx.com

Of course, we cannot overlook the absence of educational resources and analytical tools on SeguroFX’s website. It leaves traders without the necessary guidance and insights needed to enhance their trading skills. There is a glossary section on their website. However, it raises questions about its purpose. Does it hold the key to unlocking trading expertise? No, rather, it does leave traders bewildered by the inclusion of obscure terms that offer little practical assistance.

Deposit, Withdrawal, and Fees

When it comes to funding your SeguroFX account or making withdrawals, the broker offers limited options, namely wire transfers and credit cards. Depositing funds is supposedly convenient through the Client Area, although we cannot verify this as we were unable to register.

Withdrawals, on the other hand, follow a rather lengthy process. The company states that withdrawal requests can take anywhere from 1 to 10 days to be processed. Commissions are not mentioned.

Features SeguroFX Spotinvest Stockoza
Debit/Credit Cards ✔️ ✔️
Electronic Payments ✔️
Crypto Transfers
Deposit Fee
Withdrawal Fee ✔️

How Can I Contact It?

When it comes to contacting SeguroFX, options are rather limited and leave much to be desired. The only means of contact available are a basic contact form on their website and an email address. Surprisingly, no phone number is provided, which can be concerning for those seeking immediate assistance or prefer direct communication.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the address provided by the broker appears to be merely nominal. In reality, there is no physical office of the broker located at the specified address.

  • There is an email address.
  • There is no real office.

Is SeguroFX Dangerous?

To be brief, we’ll be direct. SeguroFX is not one of the best brokers. Here are just a few of the unpleasant facts we found.

How Long Does The Broker Work

Our investigation into Segurofx.com domain registration revealed several alarming inconsistencies that raise significant red flags. Firstly, the broker is registered as a private individual based in Arizona, which is highly unusual for a reputable financial institution. In the USA, CFD trading is prohibited. Moreover, the official website of SeguroFX was created just recently on March 23, 2023. This raises concerns considering the lack of substantial reviews and feedback about SeguroFX.

Domain info

How Is SeguroFX Regulated?

Adding to the confusion, the company presents conflicting information regarding its regulatory authorizations. In the FAQ section, they proudly mention being authorized by the IFSC (International Financial Services Commission) of Belize. However, in the website footer, they assert that they have obtained a license from the MWALI regulator, even providing a license number. Here’s where things start to unravel.

The license number provided by SeguroFX is fake, as genuine MWALI licenses consist of seven digits. Besides, while a company is indeed listed under the license number Т2022095, it has no association with SeguroFX. In fact, SeguroFX claims a different license number, E202295. Moreover, the company associated with license Т2022095 is identified as PANGAIA LTD, a completely separate entity unrelated to SeguroFX. These inconsistencies, misrepresentations, and false license claims seriously undermine the credibility and authenticity of SeguroFX.

Legal data check

In light of these findings, it is crucial to exercise extreme caution and skepticism when considering any dealings with SeguroFX. The discrepancies in their legal information, combined with the questionable domain registration details, raise significant doubts about the broker’s credibility, regulatory compliance, and overall trustworthiness.

Features SeguroFX InternationalReserve Clark Financial
European Zone
Asian Zone
American Zone
African Zone

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to Trade With SeguroFX?

It is necessary to register an account. However, the process of registration remains shrouded in mystery as the broker provides limited information on how to proceed.

Is SeguroFX Legit?

No, it is not. The company lacks proper regulation and attempts to pass off someone else's license as its own.

How Risky Is It?

Trading with SeguroFX carries significant risks, especially considering the mounting evidence pointing to the company being a scam.
Kevin Berry
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Expert Opinion

Here’s the deal. When it comes to SeguroFX, it’s as clear as day that they’re the newbies on the block. I mean, seriously, if you go on a Google rampage trying to find information about these guys, you’ll be lucky to stumble upon a handful of articles. And we’re talking about being a leader in the industry? Come on now. Let’s face it, when it comes to experience and recognition, SeguroFX is about invisible. Stick with the pros, my friends.

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The level of trust
Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support

2 reviews about SeguroFX

Henrietta May 24, 2023 - 19:02
You can safely skip this monster of a broker…
The level of trust

Trading in this sandbox will not bring any good to you, fellow traders. There’s no doubt that SeguroFX is just another fraudulent forex firm whose aim is to scam as many people as possible. By depositing money here, you’re literally putting it into the pockets of swindlers and scammers involved in the creation of this pseudo-broker. It’s not even a broker. It’s just a website that displays quotes for currency pairs, stocks, commodities, and other financial market assets. The quotes here are just like a TV show, they show, and that’s it. But there’s no real market liquidity. That’s the only difference between this scam and other brokerage companies. You’re trading in a little pond here, against the broker itself, not in the real market with real liquidity. And finally, let’s not forget to mention the illegal nature of this company’s operations.

Devan June 2, 2023 - 13:26
How can you choose a brokerage company that doesn't disclose its conditions or provide proper information about itself and its activities?
The level of trust

It’s like blindly investing in any random investment company without knowing what they offer or even who they are. You should analyze the broker you plan to work with at least ten times, considering that you’re playing with your hard-earned money, which you’ve probably shed blood (figuratively speaking) to earn. Putting your money into a broker who can’t show a license or registration document is simply suicidal for your deposit. So think carefully, do you really need this? Is it worth engaging in such nonsense and risking it all? It’s unclear what you would be risking it for. Perhaps they offer spreads starting from a whopping 5 pips, even on the EUR/USD pair. Are you willing to trade under such conditions when there are a million other companies offering far better terms? And the kicker is, you won’t be able to verify any of this until you deposit. Yes, that’s the catch. To find out all the conditions, you have to register. What kind of decent broker does that?


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