
TradeCMF Review | A Scam or Way to Build Your Future?

by Kevin Berry
  1/5   Reviews: 3
TradeCMF - logo

TradeCMF promises to help you build your future with them. However, before entering into a long-term partnership, it is essential to verify whether it is a scam or not. To do that, simply read our review.


🏛️ Country Marshall Islands
⚠️ Regulation
🖥️ Website https://www.tradecmf.com/
🎲 Demo Account No
⏳ Start Time 2023
💲 Minimum Deposit $500
⚖️ Minimum and Maximum Leverage 1:2-1:500
⚙️ Trading Platform WebTrader
📨 E-mail support@tradecmf.com
📞 Phone +34911128805

First Impression of Tradecmf.com

The official website of TradeCMF fails to make a positive impression for several reasons. Firstly, the choice of a dark background gives the site a gloomy and uninviting appearance. Furthermore, the content on the website is noticeably lacking in originality and seems to follow a standardized template. The language used is generic and fails to provide any unique selling points or compelling information about the company. It feels like a cookie-cutter approach, lacking in creativity or individuality.

Additionally, the website provides minimal information about the company itself. There is a lack of transparency regarding its background, history, team members, or any notable achievements.

TradeCMF - website

Partnership and Bonuses

TradeCMF offers a partner program that allows users to earn rewards by referring others to the platform. By inviting new referrals, users have the opportunity to receive compensation of up to $1,000 per referred client. The exact bonus amount may vary depending on the deposit made by the referred trader.

TradeCMF does not provide traditional bonuses, such as deposit bonuses or promotional offers. Instead, they offer a cashback program based on trading lots. The cashback amount can range from $3 to $10, depending on the type of account held by the trader.

Account Opening on Tradecmf.com

The registration form at the broker is conveniently located on the main page. The standard registration procedure typically involves several steps. To register, users are required to provide their personal details, including contacts. However, it is worth noting that the broker does not verify the email address or client’s phone number. Once basic information is provided, users will be prompted to create a password for their account. Meanwhile, the broker’s failure to verify email addresses and phone number.


Upon entering the Client Portal, you may find it lacking in features and functionality. The portal may have limited options and tools, providing a less comprehensive trading experience compared to other brokers. Here you can fund your account, withdraw money, edit your profile, etc.

TradeCMF - Client Portal


The standard verification process at TradeCMF involves a few simple steps. After registering an account, users are typically required to provide certain identification documents to verify their identity. These documents may include a valid government-issued ID, proof of address, and potentially additional documents depending on the specific requirements.

Once the documents are submitted, TradeCMF’s verification team reviews and verifies the provided information.

  • A convenient form for uploading docs.
  • Deadlines for verification of documents are not specified.

Trading Software

TradeCMF presents users with the option to either download their trading platform or use their WebTrader. However, it’s hard to ignore the lack of competitiveness and technological advancement in its terminal. In reality, it fails to impress.

While the platform does offer a limited selection of indicators and a relatively user-friendly interface, it pales in comparison to popular solutions like MT4, MT5, or TradingView. It simply doesn’t measure up. It’s as if there’s a deafening silence in the background.


Features TradeCMF RannForex Any Coin Capital
Demo Account ✔️
Mobile App ✔️
Own Development

How Can I Trade With TradeCMF?

TradeCMF may appear to be a promising broker to some, but upon closer examination, it becomes clear that there isn’t much to gain here.

All Info About Accounts

The broker offers four types of accounts: Basic, Gold, Platinum, and VIP. Naturally, they differ in terms of minimum deposit and trading conditions. The higher the deposit, the more attractive the conditions become. For example, with the Basic account, you’ll receive personal manager support and spreads starting from 1.9 pips. The next account level includes cashback, slightly lower spreads, and monthly technical analysis consultations. To enjoy these benefits, you’ll need to deposit $10,000.

What exclusive services does the next account type offer? Increased cashback of $5 per lot. However, the minimum deposit requirement jumps to $50,000. Finally, the VIP account promises $10 cashback, spreads from 0.6 pips, and that’s about it. Oh, and by the way, you’ll need to deposit a whopping $1 million for this privilege.

Oh, and there’s also a separate account for robo-trading. For this account, you’ll need to deposit $5,000. But hold on before doing so, because we have no information about the performance of their trading robot. TradeCMF hasn’t provided any statements to back it up.

  • None.
  • High deposit requirements
  • Dubious services.

Market Analysis and Education With Tradecmf.com

TradeCMF provides monthly technical analysis, but its value is highly questionable. First and foremost, it’s unclear what exactly they can analyze within a month. Market conditions change on a daily basis. Secondly, all these experts remain anonymous, as usual. Therefore, we would strongly advise against relying on their analysis.

Deposit, Withdrawal, and Fees

TradeCMF offers various payment methods for depositing funds, including credit and debit cards, as well as bank transfers. Additionally, traders have the option to transfer funds from another broker. TradeCMF promises a very fast withdrawal process, with funds being available in as little as two hours. This option is available for all account types, even for beginners. However, it’s important to note that bank transfers may not be as quick, and delays can occur with card transactions. Therefore, it is likely that the broker also works with electronic payment systems or cryptocurrencies.

Features TradeCMF Mitrade  Squire’s Finance Limited
Debit/Credit Cards ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Electronic Payments ❌️️ ✔️ ✔️
Crypto Transfers ❌️️ ❌️️ ❌️️
Deposit Fee ❌️️ ❌️️ ❌️️
Withdrawal Fee ❌️️ ✔️ ❌️️

How Can I Contact It?

To contact the broker, you can use the provided phone number or email. Additionally, an address is listed in the contacts. However, it is important to be honest – searching for the given address will likely yield no results. It is simply a nominal address commonly used by many companies for registration purposes in the Marshall Islands.

  • Full contacts.
  • There is no real office.

Is TradeCMF Dangerous?

You know those typical template brokers that, despite their claims of uniqueness, are often scams? Well, TradeCMF seems to fit into that category as well. Let me present the facts for you to judge.

How Long Does The Broker Work?

Clients are assured that TradeCMF is a company with a global presence. However, nowhere in the description of the organization is it mentioned when they started operating or in which countries, besides the Marshall Islands, they are based. To learn more about the company, we decided to investigate information about its domain. Unfortunately, there’s nothing impressive to share. The domain was registered on February 22, 2023. In other words, this platform has been operating for only about three months. It’s hard to believe that they could establish a global presence in such a short period.

Domain info

How Is TradeCMF Regulated?

TradeCMF is registered in the jurisdiction of the Marshall Islands. However, registering a company in an offshore jurisdiction raises concerns and is generally considered unfavorable in the financial industry. Let us explain why this is the case.

Offshore jurisdictions often have less stringent regulations and oversight compared to reputable financial centers. Companies registered in these jurisdictions may take advantage of lax regulations to engage in fraudulent or unethical practices.

However, that’s not all the issues. You see, the registry of the Marshall Islands is open for public access, and there is no record of CMF Group in it. This clearly indicates that we’re dealing with a pseudo-broker who has fabricated their registration details. Furthermore, the lack of a license raises even more concerns about the legitimacy and trustworthiness of TradeCMF.

License check

Features TradeCMF Geratsu  Sollari
European Zone ❌️️ ❌️️ ❌️️
Asian Zone ❌️️ ❌️️ ❌️️
American Zone ❌️️ ❌️️ ❌️️
African Zone ❌️️ ❌️️ ❌️️
Offshore ❌️️ ❌️️ ❌️️

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to Trade With TradeCMF?

You'll need to register an account. Next, you may also need to go through a verification process to confirm your identity. Once your account is set up and verified, you can proceed to fund your trading account.

Is TradeCMF Legit?

When it comes to legitimacy, it's important to note that TradeCMF lacks proper regulation and is not registered with any recognized regulatory body.

How Risky Is It?

Considering the lack of licenses and the questionable nature of TradeCMF's registration information, it is prudent to view the company with skepticism.
Kevin Berry
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Expert Opinion

You know what really tickled my funny bone? TradeCMF’s cashback offer. I mean, seriously, who would’ve thought of giving investors with a million-dollar account a whopping $10 cashback per lot? They might as well have come up with a regular bonus program. It’s moments like these that make you question the creativity and understanding of the trading industry. Trust me, there are far better options out there that offer real value for your investment. Don’t fall for gimmicks and flashy promises. Invest wisely.

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The level of trust
Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support

3 reviews about TradeCMF

Sj May 26, 2023 - 18:21
TradeCMF is a fake broker
The level of trust

The scammers’ domain is too new, and the company doesn’t even exist for half a year. Such a short time frame is a negative sign. Another negative sign that guarantees it’s a fraudulent brokerage trash is their deceit and provision of fake information. The fake includes the bogus length of operation and the phony registration on the supposed island where this lousy company is located.

Cris June 2, 2023 - 21:09
A friend of mine had their money stolen here...
The level of trust
Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support

Be careful and stay away from this shady company… TradeCMF is engaged in deception, posing as a reliable broker, but in reality, they scam anyone they can…

Sam June 6, 2023 - 11:35
Dealing with brokers like these is extremely risky!
The level of trust

I couldn’t find any information about their trading platform or whether they route traders’ trades to liquidity aggregators/interbanks. Most likely, they don’t, which means it’s just your typical B-book operation. And as for the demo account, there’s no information available either, so you’ll have to test the platform with real money only. But, of course, I won’t do that. I’m no fool to give my money to some shoddy forex backyard.


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