
TauraGlobal Review | Hidden Opportunities or a Scam?

by Kevin Berry
  1.8/5   Reviews: 2
TauraGlobal - logo

Well, if you’re ready to unlock hidden opportunities, that’s exactly what another broker in my sights can offer you. So, it’s TauraGlobal. As always, I urge you not to jump to conclusions and first read the review before rushing to open an account on this platform. What if it’s a scam?


🏛️ Country United Kingdom
⚠️ Regulation
🖥️ Website https://tauraglobal.com/
🎲 Demo Account No
⏳ Start Time 2024
💲 Minimum Deposit $10,000
⚖️ Minimum and Maximum Leverage 1:10 – 1:100
⚙️ Trading Platform WebTrader
📨 E-mail support@tauraglobal.com
📞 Phone +14169078094

First Impression of Tauraglobal.com

I can’t say that the broker’s official website impressed me very much. Firstly, who came up with this design? It’s just a black background with a few blue inserts. They didn’t put much effort into making it look good. It’s pretty obvious that it’s just some kind of template. There are already dozens of similar templates on the internet. Moreover, the website is only available in German and English, so you can probably guess that it isn’t exactly global.

TauraGlobal - website

There is some legal information in the footer, and miraculously, even some contact details. However, that’s all. There is no information about the company’s history. It’s not clear when it started. Maybe they could at least tell us who founded them? Of course not.

Partnership and Bonuses

I’m not sure if the broker has a partnership program. The registration form is blank, there are no other clues. As for bonuses, it seems that there are none either. Only swap discounts of up to 90% are listed in the trading accounts. Well, let’s count these discounts as bonuses.

Account Opening on Tauraglobal.com

At first glance, opening an account on the platform seems quite straightforward. The registration form presented here is the most common one. It only takes a simple fill-out to enter your details, including your phone number and email. However, after filling out the form, nothing appears to happen. Rather, I am asked to log in again. I have tried, but still nothing happens. This leads me to conclude that the registration process is simply not fully developed yet. Considering that the site has already encountered several problems, such as some links that simply do not work, this lack of registration functionality did not come as a surprise.


Nevertheless, it has certainly disappointed me. Because now, it will be more difficult to determine what TauraGlobal really offers its clients, without accessing their personal account.


Although I couldn’t access my personal account, I can confirm that verification is mandatory for this broker. According to their Withdrawal Policy, you will be able to withdraw your funds after verification only. The procedure is standard. You will need to send copies of your documents to the broker, verify your identity, and provide proof of residence. Depending on specific requirements, they may also request additional documentation from you. Of course, they will contact you to discuss the issue.

  • Verification is mandatory.
  • Timeframe for document verification not specified.

Trading Software

The trading terminal offered here is a great mystery. There is no information about it on the website, and I cannot access the Client Portal to see it myself. However, reputable brokers do not hide the trading platform from their clients. What makes things even more complicated is that this broker’s platform is not available on official marketplaces, so if they do offer a platform, it is likely just a regular basic webtrader. Additionally, they do not even provide a demo account, and overall, I am extremely disappointed at this point.

Features TauraGlobal Forexeze  Nixse
Demo Account
Mobile App ✔️ ✔️
Own Development

How Can I Trade With TauraGlobal?

The company claims to be able to reveal some secrets to you. Let’s see what new and interesting things they’ve come up with.

All Info About Accounts

It must be said that the broker promises that its accounts will satisfy even the most experienced traders, but it’s hard to believe that. There are five accounts in total, and the first thing that strikes me is the minimum deposit amount. How about starting with $10,000? To be honest, I haven’t seen any normal licensed brokers with such requirements. I can’t even guess why TauraGlobal thinks these are optimal trading conditions. And there’s no demo here, so you’ll have to try out their unknown platform with a real account. It’s worth considering whether or not this is a wise decision.

The other accounts also require non-democratic deposits: $25, $50, $100, and $250 thousand. Moreover, it’s difficult to say that their functionality is excellent. Leverage increases with the size of the account, as does the number of additional features. However, there is no information about what the spread is, what fees they charge, or other details.

  • None.
  • No demo.
  • Too high deposit requirements.
  • Trading conditions not fully disclosed.

Market Analysis and Education With Tauraglobal.com

Oh yes, it seems that the only thing they have succeeded in is analytics and education. In fact, all of their additional services consist solely of these. Traders are offered daily market reviews, personalized training, and even daily trading signals. However, think about it: on this site, there is hardly any information about the actual experience and qualifications of the project staff. In fact, there is no data about the company’s team at all. It is completely unclear whether they have any experience whatsoever.

What’s the point of their signals and analytics when none of the above is accessible in public?

Deposit, Withdrawal, and Fees

I couldn’t find any data on how to deposit funds on this platform. In theory, this information should be available in the user’s account, but it is not on the website. Considering that the main asset mentioned on this platform is cryptocurrency, it would seem that such funds should be accepted as payment here. However, there is still no mention of any fees. Well, at least TauraGlobal claims that processing times for requests will be approximately 5 days, though.

Features TauraGlobal Kane LPI Solutions Limited  AGlobalTrade
Debit/Credit Cards ✔️ ✔️
Electronic Payments
Crypto Transfers ✔️ ✔️
Deposit Fee
Withdrawal Fee

How Can I Contact It?

You can contact customer support through several channels. Specifically, the website includes a phone number and email address. However, online chat is not available. The address is given, although there are no markers on real maps to indicate that the broker’s location is actually there.

  • Support details are provided.
  • Users complain that customer service takes a long time to respond.

Is TauraGlobal Dangerous?

So far, everything I have seen only reinforces my belief that this brokerage firm is simply a scam. However, I will continue digging deeper for the truth.

How Long Does The Broker Work?

As I mentioned earlier, TauraGlobal claims it can reveal some secrets to users. Well, I will reveal a secret regarding this project as well. Its official website was launched on February 20th, so it has been active for just over a month. How can they possibly reveal secrets to customers?

Domain info

How Is TauraGlobal Regulated?

There are no mentions in the client agreement about where this company is actually registered or under which laws it operates. The contact information only provides an address in Britain. Well, I’ll then check this registry. However, I’m sure you can guess the result yourself. Of course, I didn’t find any matches for the name. There is also no information in the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) registry about a license for this brokerage firm. Meanwhile, there should be a license if the company wishes to operate legally.

Legal data check

Features TauraGlobal Instaswifttrade  Stockstrends.com
European Zone
Asian Zone
American Zone
African Zone

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Kevin Berry
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Expert Opinion

By the way, it’s worth adding that this website is an absolute template. Many of them we’ve already described. And they only operate for three to six months. In this time frame, they managed to collect client funds and fade into obscurity. TauraGlobal is no exception. So be cautious and check where and to whom you’re sending your money.

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TauraGlobal rating

The level of trust
Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support
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The level of trust
Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support

2 reviews about TauraGlobal

CrazyMonkey777 March 13, 2024 - 07:12
Self-authorized to block all accounts
The level of trust

When I saw the advertisement for the brokerage company TauraGlobal, I became quite interested. I wanted to find out all the details about how they operate and initially even considered opening a brokerage account here. But I was fortunate enough to stop in time. Many people don’t read the user agreements when registering on a website. And that’s a mistake. There are nuances there that show that reality can significantly differ from what the company portrays to its clients. And this turned out to be the case here. There was a clause stating that the company has the right to block the brokerage account of any client without explanation. So, this greatly simplifies and expands the possibilities for fraud. Naturally, under such conditions, I didn’t register, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

Kristoff March 25, 2024 - 13:47
Their website is an absolute fake
The level of trust
Efficiency of technical support

Have you seen the broker’s website with your own eyes? The lack of professionalism is evident from the start. Tab switching doesn’t work. Sections are put together haphazardly. Can a serious brokerage company treat its main resource like this? I don’t think so. Such an unprofessional approach immediately shows the broker’s attitude towards its own clients. If they don’t care about their website, they won’t care about the client and their needs either. Surely, they are ordinary scammers who hastily came up with a landing page to lure in inexperienced traders and scam them out of their money. Nowadays, such things are all over the internet.


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