
Buy Crypto Market Review | Trading within a Professional or a Scam?

by Kevin Berry
  1.3/5   Reviews: 3
Buy Crypto Market - logo

Trading within a professional and regulated framework, free from any limitations, with a cutting-edge platform and support from managers for all clients – seems appealing, right? This is what the broker Buy Crypto Market claims to offer. But could this just be a scam? Reviews about this brokerage company are sharply divided online, ranging from glowing praise to outright condemnation. So who should we believe? Who’s telling the truth, and who might be spreading false information? It requires careful examination.


🏛️ Country
⚠️ Regulation
🖥️ Website buycryptomarkets.com
🎲 Demo Account Yes
⏳ Start Time 2022
💲 Minimum Deposit $250
⚖️ Minimum and Maximum Leverage 1:200
⚙️ Trading Platform WebTrader
📨 E-mail support@buycryptomarkets.com
📞 Phone +442033709757

First Impression of Buycryptomarkets.com

The site is filled with an overwhelming amount of text that appears to be mostly fluff. It reads like a typical student’s essay or term paper, where 90% consists of information, devoid of specifics or meaningful details. There are endless promises, advantages, and rosy pictures painted, yet practical details are scarce. Vital information, including conditions and actual business facts, is glaringly absent. If Buy Crypto Market’s goal was to build a bulky and ineffective website, they’ve excelled at that. But if they aimed to offer a genuinely informative resource to visitors, they have unequivocally missed the mark.

Buy Crypto Market - website

Partnership and Bonuses

Buy Crypto Market has designed an affiliate program focused on client bases, extending support and information to those interested in promoting the company’s offerings. Partners who bring in referrals are rewarded with bonuses, not just for the initial deposit but for every subsequent one as well, without any time constraints. Interestingly, no other bonuses are available.

Account Opening on Buy Crypto Market

Account registration with Buy Crypto Market is relatively straightforward. It involves providing personal details such as name, phone number, country, and email address, and agreeing to the terms, along with selecting one of the four tariff plans besides the demo option. To explore virtual trading, a separate account is required, convertible later to a real one. Whether you can switch back to a demo account from a real one is unclear, leading to an inconvenient setup. Why can’t you simply switch between account types within the personal area or platform?


Upon registration, users find themselves in a user-friendly personal dashboard. Here, they can manage deposits, modify personal details, view transaction history, navigate to the web platform, or download it for PC use, request withdrawals, and upload documents for KYC verification. All these features align with what’s generally expected from a standard forex broker.


Verification at Buy Crypto Market is a requisite step. Upholding all KYC & AML standards, the broker makes it clear that trading is off-limits without this process. Clients must authenticate their identity and residence, and if using a bank card for deposit, must provide a photo to verify ownership.

  • Detailed process.
  • It is convenient to upload documents.
  • Require a photo of the bank card.

Trading Software

Buy Crypto Market facilitates trading via WebTrader, which installable on PCs and adaptable for mobile phones. However, mobile compatibility isn’t through an Android/iOS app, but via a web browser. Such a setup likely hampers trading convenience. The terminal’s basic and restricted functionality, the inability to load custom indicators, and the absence of professional features like open interest, auto-trading, and sophisticated charting tools, make it ill-suited for professional trading.

Features Buy Crypto Market Equithy Global InternationalReserve
Demo Account ✔️
Mobile App ✔️
Own Development

How Can I Trade With Buy Crypto Market?

Details on the various account options at Buy Crypto Market are conspicuously absent, with all conditions presented in unbroken, bland text on the site. As for investment opportunities, they include CFDs on a range of asset classes such as stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, indices, and commodities.

All Info About Accounts

Buy Crypto Market offers four account types, with the initial deposit starting at $250. The investments needed for the other three account tiers remain undisclosed, as are the specific spreads. Leverage up to 1:200 allows increased working volumes, but assets are limited to CFDs, with no spot or futures contracts.

  • There’s leverage.
  • There are no trading conditions and tariff plan descriptions.
  • There is no Islamic account.

Market Analysis and Education With Buycryptomarkets.com

Buy Crypto Market includes additional client services like educational content, training, research, analytics, and signals. However, these promises lack substantiation. The specific conditions of these services, the identity of the professional analysts, the origin of research, and the efficacy of signals, remain vague and create an impression of an unorganized approach.

Educational conten

Deposit, Withdrawal, and Fees

Despite assuring transparency about commissions, Buy Crypto Market fails to detail any fees on their official site, except that one deposit and withdrawal monthly are free, with subsequent transactions incurring charges.

Transfers can be made through various means, including credit/debit cards and electronic systems. Withdrawals take 24 to 48 hours to process, plus 1-3 business days to complete. Inactivity for six months triggers a monthly fee.

Buy Crypto Market’s consistent emphasis on pre-notification of commissions clashes with the lack of specific details on their site, resulting in an impression of insincerity. This contradictory stance undermines the broker’s attempt to position itself as a trustworthy and attentive partner.

Features Buy Crypto Market NPBFX TradeCMF
Debit/Credit Cards ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Electronic Payments ✔️ ✔️
Crypto Transfers
Deposit Fee
Withdrawal Fee

How Can I Contact It?

Buy Crypto Market provides a phone number and email address as contact options, along with a special form for users to request feedback. Upon verification, it was found that the phone number is registered to the firm, as per Google, and the email address is valid. In this regard, no evidence of fraudulent activity was detected.

  • Real contact information.
  • None.

Is Buy Crypto Market Dangerous?

As of now, the firm seems more suspicious than trustworthy. While they offer a demo and additional services, their trading conditions are not outlined. The contact details are legitimate, and the platform is accessible across all devices. However, a definitive conclusion about the fraudulent activity cannot be drawn yet, necessitating further investigation into the firm’s operations.

How Long Does The Broker Work?

Signs of risk begin to emerge when considering Buy Crypto Market’s operating history. The official website lacks information on the founding date, leaving users in the dark about when the platform was launched. Furthermore, the broker’s domain was registered in 2023, but it seems to be the second site associated with potential scammers since another, buycryptomarket.com, was created in June 2022 but is no longer active. All these factors indicate a short operating time, about a year, marking a significant red flag for the broker.

Domain info

How Is Buy Crypto Market Regulated?

The most critical factor to examine is regulation. Like many scam brokers, Buy Crypto Market is vague about its licensing. While the website hints at regulation, it fails to specify by whom and where these licenses exist. With no legal address available, checking specific financial commission registers is futile. Had the broker been licensed, it would have provided this information along with document numbers and registry links.

Features Buy Crypto Market Sollari AI Global Group
European Zone
Asian Zone
American Zone
African Zone

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Kevin Berry
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Expert Opinion

Initially, it appears to be a typical broker offering forex trading on a standard platform. But digging deeper reveals intriguing evidence of outright fraud and unlawful conduct. These scammers have made an effort to make their sham company less conspicuous. Yet, this deception targets newcomers who might easily fall for the trickery and hand over their money. Hopefully, that review will assist someone in safeguarding their assets and not entrusting them to Buy Crypto Market’s anonymous fraudsters.

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Buy Crypto Market rating

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Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support
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The level of trust
Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support

3 reviews about Buy Crypto Market

Cooler July 27, 2023 - 01:56
Just a fraud
The level of trust

Buy Crypto Market is just a fraud broker with a fake platform and fake charts. The bastards can draw any price they want because this is a fake broker. If you invested money here, you lost it. I do not recommend trading in that financial trap.

Carlos August 2, 2023 - 19:01
Give me my money back!
The level of trust
Efficiency of technical support

SCAM BROKER, RETURN MY MONEY!!! Over $3,000 of mine is stuck in my buy crypto market account, and I’m unable to withdraw it. Technical support is ignoring my withdrawal request. I’ve reached out to support multiple times, only to be told, “application accepted, please wait.” How long must I wait? Enough time has already passed without any resolution.
The trading platform is an utter mess. I can’t fathom how others are managing to trade here; I certainly couldn’t. With scant tools, significant lags, technical glitches, and high latency, seamless trading is impossible. There’s no comfort, no ease of use – only constant frustration. The quotations here are falsified, fake charts, representing a fictitious market. I grasped this only after depositing $3,000.
But that’s beside the point; why aren’t my funds being released? It seems I’ve unknowingly invested with a scambroker.

Andeson August 8, 2023 - 13:48
I agree that it's a fraud
The level of trust
Quick withdrawal of funds
Efficiency of technical support

I’ve noticed many traders labeling Buy Crypto Market as a mere scam, and I wholeheartedly concur. A firm lacking a license, old domain, serious tenure, and even a legal address simply cannot be deemed trustworthy or secure for money handling.
I’m in complete agreement with all the disparaging reviews directed at that company. Had this been a genuine broker, it’s unlikely that such overwhelmingly negative and exposing reviews would exist. Furthermore, the relatively few mentions of Buy Crypto Market online hardly attest to any substantial credibility or fame for the company.
Please heed this warning: there are confirmed instances of fraud, so refrain from investing money here! I implore you! Do not hand over your funds to these scammers Buy Crypto Market.


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